Tuesday 23 February 2021

Online Media Introduction

Online Media Introduction

  • Hegemony - The rules and restrictions that we follow everyday through consent and not through force.
  • Digitally convergent technology - Any technology which involves computers. 
    • It has constructed a hegemony. 
  • Digital convergence - The coming together of previously separate industries thanks to digital convergence.
How to get marks:
  • Use media language.
  • Textual Analysis.
  • Theories. We don't need to refer to the theorist's name.
  • Clear Argument with clear evidence.

-Social media, online media and digitally convergent media have become more powerful than governments.
-Never being subject to traditional forms of regulation, Online Media presents a literally impossible to understand, hyperreal collage of news, fake news, ideology, hatred, advertising, pornography and videos of cats.
-There is no differentiation between these forms, leading to a form of hyper convergence with no hope of differentiating between previously distinct forms of media.
-With no impediment to posting, extreme ideologies such as holocaust denial, pro-eating disorders, rape threats and images of abuse can be shared with relative impunity.
-And yet, the internet can potentially collect all human knowledge, can allow the sharing of artistic endeavors.

How does media language combine to create meaning?

'Ultimate Pizza Taste Test With Mark | Zoella' 
Uploaded June 2018.
  • Lexis, the language is informal and feels inclusive, the audience feels like they are friends with them.
  • Strong amount of direct mode of address, language is colloquial, so it doesn't come across as that. It is relatable.
  • Face paced editing to appeal to a younger online audience, with heavy use of jumpcuts. 
  • Monetisation, there are adverts on the video.
  • It is amateurish, it is not like a TV show or film.
  • Bright colours seen in her clothes with perfect makeup and bright highkey lighting - the lighting is set in a studio.
  • Single, uninterrupted shot with a centre position of Zoe and Mark.
  • Mise-en-scene, there is a blank background with possibly fake plants to create a comforting and home-made feeling, seen in the setting despite it being in a studio.
  • Interactive features, you can subscribe to her channel and like the video, Zoella asks if you are a new subscriber and to comment.
  • With jumpcuts at the start of the video with a bleep non-diegetic sound effect in an attempt to appear uncoordinated and unplanned, despite that it clearly is.
  • Video is deliberately amateur, childish and chaotic. 

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