Tuesday 9 February 2021

Late Night Woman's Hour - Radio and Podcasts

Radio and Podcasts

BBC is a PBS, funded by the public through a TV license, the remit of the BBC is to appeal to a diverse and wider audience, they traditionally has had a captive audience. However, the BBC now has a number of competitors who hold a number of advantages over the BBC.

The uncontested market leader - Netflix and Amazon Prime (digital integration). These streaming services do not need to show news, and they choose not to - the BBC is often criticised for being biased by both right and left wing, news are expensive to make and produce.

- Digitally integrated and digitally convergent media platforms, UI, UX.

The BBC does not need to make money, not in the same way as streaming services.

  • The distributing properties such as Louis Theroux, ('Grounded with Louis Theroux' podcast on BBC Sounds), on Netflix is an example of digital synergy, and allows the BBC to 'pull' in new, younger audiences. Cult following.
  • BBC Radio functions by targeting a diverse and fragmentary range of audiences.
The End of Audience - Shirkey - Theory

  • Due to innovations in technology, audiences have effectively become the producer.
  • Twitter - Microblogging social media.
  • LNWH - Is a niche audience, on Twitter the official #LNWH only shows tweets about the London North West Hospital and memes from A-Level Media students with very little audience tweeting about the show.
The BBC has a remit to target a diverse range of audiences; by and large, audiences do not use digital media and social media to interact with LNWH, which reinforces its status as a niche product.
Podcasts are digitally produced and distributed audio recordings, often with low and amateurish production values, discussing and covering a range of often niche topics (narrowcasting).

What is the target audience and how does it target this audience?
Radio Surgery - RADIOSURGERY 2-6-21 5PM
The target audience are those who are doctors who specialise in or more so operate on cancer. It targets these audiences by giving the latest news on cancer.

Podcasts are often self-funded, advertising or from crowdsourcing such as Patreon.
Diverse forms of media distribution: Curran and Seaton.

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