Thursday 25 February 2021

Online Media - Vlogging

Online Media - Vlogging

Online media is impossible to make sense of and regulate; it has the power to change the world both for the good and bad. It is difficult to see if online media is real or fake i.e. fake news.

Zoella - She is multimedia, with blogs, vlogs, social media, books etc. 

Dyer - The Utopian Solution - Related to a perfect world, media presents the problems of our lives by presenting a perfect world.

  • The video about the pizza taste test provides audiences with a utopian solution and allows audiences to escape from their everyday lives. There are no solutions to problems, but a source of escapism and entertainment.

Online media is a specialised industry, we can tell she is successful through views, likes, subscribers.
Online media is distributed through the internet; the internet is a networked system of computers allowing connection around the world, it is hard to visualise.

Vlog - a video blog, a blog is a web log like a diary. It is extremely broad and diverse medium. 

  • It is the activity or practice of posting short videos to or maintaining a vlog. Vlogging and online video has become one of the most influential forms of media. Recent research shows 42% of internet users said they have watched a vlog within the last month rising to 50% for 16-24 year olds (Guardian, 2015).
  • Vlogging has become an influential and widespread media platform, they are easy to watch, access and distribute as well as easy to make - they are very specialist and attract a diverse audience for different niches. Allows some form of relatability between the creator and audience. Provides insight to someone's life, a celebrity, allows intimacy between the creator and audience.
'HUGE Summer Primark Haul | Zoella'
  • Zoella creates a relatable and compelling relationship with her target audience (women, teen - 30s) by using direct mode of address and her use of lexis is informal and conversational - it is relatable. It is like she is talking to a friend which builds a friendship between her and the viewer.
  • We know what she likes and is interested in, such as the 'groovy chick' socks and creates a relationship through relatability between her and the audience.
  • The codes and conventions of the vlog is a centre single shot with jumpcuts, she is showing each item telling us why she likes it and bought it as well as the price.

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