Friday 29 January 2021

Les Revenants - Audience, Canal+

Les Revenants - Audience, Canal+

Media industries are based around profit and power (Curran and Seaton).
The trailer expertly targets a mainstream audience by presenting a misleading representation of an experimental TV series, it looks exciting and fast-paced which hooks the audience.
It is attracting a cult/niche audience - Mogwai is a cult band.
  • Jenkins - Fandom theory - Buying merchandise allows audiences to become active users of a media product, and allows them to communicate their love of the show to other cult audience members.
  • Audiences can actively participate in media products.
  • Hall - Reception theory - Preferred reading.
What makes Les Revenants a cult show?
  • Hermenutic codes, how long ago was the accident and where is everybody? With these codes it highlights the genre of mystery.
  • Preferred reading are audiences who like mystery, many people don't know what is happening, they will want to watch and solve this.
  • It is a cold opening.
  • It deliberately and constructs a niche and cult audience.
  • There is intense opening music low key lighting presents how dismal it is and not easy to watch, it is an intimidating series and many audiences will have to be in a certain mood.
  • Long shot of the bus falling, we don't see any action and is a slow paced mystery. The genres of it are atypical.
  • Metaphorical imagery of the framed butterfly coming to life, foreshadowing/proairetic codes - the symbolic function of the butterfly is to inform the audience about themes of life and death.
  • Tracking shot of the butterfly breaking free in slow motion - dramatic.
  • Opens with an upsetting scene, a bus crashing and screams, some viewers may find it disturbing and want to turn it off.
  • Other genres: Magical Realist, New French Extreme.
  • Canal+ are the channel who produced and distributed Les Revenants in 2012.
  • Canal+ is a French Premium Television Channel established in 1984.
  • Broadcast several kinds of programming, mostly encrypted but also some are unencrypted which is free.
  • There are no advertising breaks.
  • No dubbed films or series, but includes subtitles in French.
  • Available on DTT, Satellite, IPTV and Cable.
  • Owned by Vivendi, a large French conglomerates - vertically integrated.
  • It is a large channel.
  • Their ideology/brand identity is based on the idea of quality.
  • Promotional poster - It is sophisticated, Adele is looking at a reflection in the water with Simon holding up a black rose 'The past has decided to resurface', they are wearing wedding attire. 'The new series from Canal+' top right, bottom right 'Canal+ Original creators'. Quality channel, quality promotional poster and quality programme.
Les Revenants is a cult show targeting a cult audience. However, arguably, it can only do so through the ownership, being owned by an enormous vertically integrated conglomerate.

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