Thursday 5 March 2020

Adbusters - Contextual factors

Adbusters - Contextual factors

Dominant Ideological perspective
  • The ideology of Adbusters is to go against what other magazines do, most magazines include advertisement whereas Adbusters are against using adverts as they believe that in modern media, people consume thousands of adverts everyday. They are anti-establishment and anti-consumerist. This makes the magazine subvert the traditional magazine conventions as it doesn't include pages of advertisements. Adbusters are interactive with its audience and readers as such as a 'culture jammers network' in which people send in their own culture jammed (parody) adverts, in which both communicate with each other, also people send in ideas or photos to be featured in the magazine.
Ideology and how it interacts with the audience

  • The Adbusters Foundation runs the following campaigns called Occupy Wall Street and Buy Nothing Day, the Occupy Wall Street is a campaign against large cooperations, in which the protest took place in Zucotti Park. The Buy Nothing Day campaign is not buying anything during Black Friday but is also to make people do less shopping in general. 
  • The controversies and criticisms of Adbusters is the message they are spreading to not buy from brands but are asking the readers to buy their own brand, such as sustainable shoes that also extends the brand. And also spreads some messages that can be controversial such as politics.

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