Thursday 22 April 2021


Compare how media language constructs representations in the trailer to series three of Top Boy and the video to Formation by Beyoncé

Make reference to
  • How representations make claims about reality
  • The role of stereotypes (positive and negative)
  • How representations may position audiences

  • Representation of black working class people
  • Representation theory
  • Post colonial theory
  • MES
  • Setting
  • Stereotypes
  • Camera work
  • Editing
  • Sound
  • Semiotics
  • Binary oppositions
  • Ideology
  • Hegemony

Representation is the re-presentation of an individual or group that reflects the ideologies of the producer, media language helps construct these ideologies. Producers use representations to help re-construct reality as a formula easy for them to produce and position the audience to easily recognise and as well as target the preferred reading. The music video, Formation, is by Beyoncé which was released in 2016, set in New Orleans that has referential references to the treatment of black people in the New Orleans floods and historical context of racism and slavery in America. Top Boy is set in London and has generic conventions of a crime drama by featuring violence and aspects of running away from other gangs or police.

The music video, Formation by Beyoncé features 

Compare how media language creates meaning in the first two minutes to the video to Everlong by Foo Fighters, and the video to Riptide by Vance Joy.

Make reference to
  • How intertextuality constructs meaning
  • The use of polysemy
  • How media language positions audiences

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