Sunday 18 April 2021

Print Advert Analysis

"Explore how audiences are positioned by the representations in this advert"

Representation is the re-presentation that reflects the ideologies of the producers of the media product. Positioning refers to how the media product places the target audience formed by the producers, the target audience is positioned in a direct form of address. The print advert is attempting to make the target audience join the army through direct mode of address. 

  • Anchorage of text and image.
  • Bold, sans-serif type - red and black - targeting an informal audience
  • Hierarchy of information 'Me Me Me Millennials' and 'Your Army Needs YOU'.
  • Lexis - you and your - direct mode of address
  • Target audience are young people, millennials and specifically women and BAME through representation.
  • Direct mode of address, main image is positioned in the centre, she is looking back with direct eye contact with a serious expression.
  • This serious expression is anchored through the use of confrontational lexis, almost through mocking in the use of a stereotype of millennials being self-centred 'me me me', and through joining the army you will become selfless.
  • The poster is in an illustrative style, intertextual reference to old army recruitment posters in the war, 'Your Country Needs YOU' well recognised propaganda poster. A far more gentle mode of address than of original.
  • MES She is wearing her uniform, connoting professionalism - mid shot - we see her serious facial expression and her body language looking back further suggesting she has already joined - a hegemonic ideology of the producer that joining the army is important.
  • Anchored 
  • She is positioned in a way she is looking down on the audience with the symbolic connotation of superiority. 
  • Professional camouflage and Union Jack flag with symbolism of patriotism and professionalism.
  • Connotations of black text of seriousness forming a binary opposition of bright red text.

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