Thursday 15 April 2021

Film Trailer Analysis

Analyse the genre conventions of this trailer, and explore how have they changed over time

- Generic paradigms

Nobody (2021)

  • Crime thriller, action with elements of comedy and romance. Genre Hybridity.
  • Generic paradigms of action with scenes including fighting and shooting and weapons.
  • Crime - proairetic codes of appearing like a retired agent.
  • Romance - the voiceover, he wanted to start a family and looks at a picture with him and his wife lovingly.

  • A highly conventional crime/action with some unconventional elements.
  • Binary opposition of a mundane man with the gang of the bus.
  • Bus symbolises - w/c and poverty.
  • Mid shot of actor emphasises star appeal.
  • Mise-en-scene of guns, crime and action. Proairetic code - gun signifies action.
  • Binary opposition of family and crime.
  • Neale - genre theory - repetition and difference - producers reflects the action genre with guns and fighting but difference is it is an older family man as protagonist.
  • Conventional - the protagonist always wins the fight.
  • Lexis - 'fuck' - older target audience - adult audience - male, straight, m/c. Escapism.
  • Lowkey lighting, night setting, grey and bland colours.
  • Editing is conventional and is fast-paced.
  • Intertextual reference - the actor.
Genre conventions refer to the typical elements found in a particular genre in media products. Nobody is a highly conventional crime/action film that fulfils many generic conventions. This is a film trailer, it helps to advertise the film and target its audience before release.

The film trailer is conventional of the generic hybridity of crime and action with some elements of unconventional elements. There is a scene that has a setting of a rundown bus with graffitied walls connoting and symbolising crime with a group of young men with a close up shot of a knife being flicked forming a proairetic code of a fight or action, the man drops bullets out of his gun suggesting he doesn't need a gun to fight, provides a form of escapism for the target audience of older, middle class men who will relate to the older family guy which is portrayed by the protagonist through the use of costume and appearance, this forms a binary opposition of the character with the setting making this type of character being on a rundown bus highly unconventional. There is a hegemonic representation of a young woman who appears vulnerable to the gang, this reflects the ideology of the producer that violence is okay in this situation as the woman needs to be protected by the protagonist.

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