Tuesday 26 January 2021

Les Revenants - Theory

Les Revenants - Theory

  • Niche Appeal.
  • When exported it will still have a niche appeal.
  • There are controversial themes of sex and death.
  • In the final scene, it is suggested that Camille and Léna are connected some how.
  • Camille is seen losing her innocence.
  • Les petit mort - The little death.
  • Les Revenants is about the interelationship between sex and death.
  • It is a highly unconventional horror series but a conventional of the genre, drama and mystery.
  • Conventional themes that could attract a mass audience -
    • The actors may be recognisable to a French audience.
    • Violence.
    • Hegemonically conventionally attractive characters.
    • The themes of family.
    • Range of different characters, relating to different audiences.
    • Many people can relate to losing a loved one.
    • Zombie genre.
    • Drama between characters - binary oppositions.
    • Setting of the series is aesthetic, a small village in the Alps.
      • Partly funded by the French Alps tourist board.
Les Revenants has the potential to attract a larger audience.

Theory - Livingstone and Lunt - Regulation - What regulatory factors potentially affect Les Revenants?

  • Violence - Woman who gets stabbed in the underpath, the audience sees the the stabbing up close and the wound, it is a graphic depiction. Potentially relatable - walking alone and night and the potential dangers of it.
  • Sex - The last scene with Le'na who has sex, however it doesn't show any nudity. The characters having sex are underage.
  • Strong language - Scene of Simon and Le'na walking home, she calls him a 'dickhead'.
  • The French regulation board - Commission de classification cinématographique - Commision for Film Classification. CNC.
  • There is U, !, -12, -16, -18.
  • British classification - 15.
Reception theory - Hall - negotiated reading - possible to enjoy this show not through the themes, or mystery but through the soundtrack.
    Mogwai compossed the music and soundtrack.
    The prefered reading is someone who likes the genre and mystery.
    The oppositional reading would be an audience who does not like the mysterious aspect of     the series.

Genre theory - Neale - Repetition of generic conventions.
Key example is of something that differentiates the amount of unanswered questions.
Camille - a completely atypical monster, although technically a zombie, she is unconventional in a sense that she doesn't look or act like it.

Feminist theory - hooks - Julie is not a stereotypical and hegemonic representation of a woman as she is not wearing anything sexualised or wearing makeup.

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