Wednesday 29 January 2020

Max Factor Advert in Woman

Woman - Max Factor Advert

  • The patriarchal hegemonic representations of women can also affect men, there is a hegemonic ideology that men should be protective of their wife/ 'woman' and that they need to provide for her looks and for items around the house such as food, pressure that men needed to be the breadwinner of the home and also to be successful in providing income. As well as that, men should have a wife who is dependent on them and a wife that they can depend on for food, cleaning and children being cared for.

Feminist theory by bell hooks, she believes that feminism is trying to find the end of oppression of women and the patriarchal hegemony in society, it isn't a lifestyle it's a political movement and oppression and exploitation can vary from race and class - such as white, middle-class women in the west are less oppressed than black women from a post-colonial country.

Representation of women
  • The hegemonic ideology of women wearing make-up to impress the man, represents the patriarchal society of the sixties.
  • The woman is passive and the man is active, Berger's theory on women appearing and men are active. The woman is hardly moving appearing like a statue (looked at), whereas the man is moving towards her suggested by the multiple images (Barthes' semiotic codes - action code).
  • The woman needs to wear make-up to maintain her beauty and femininity and impress her man, making her dependent on the man's acceptance and opinion.
  • There is consumerism mentioned in the advert, 'now you can be sure of your beauty always', when you have this product, you will now definitely be beautiful.
  • 'you're perfectly lovely again', 'lovely' for your husband. 'Beauty at a moment's notice' - justifies objectification, the woman's looks should be looked at, it only takes a 'moment' for her to be beautiful.
  • The man in the suit connotes professionalism and importance, he is standing behind of her looking like he is controlling her and protecting her from other men perhaps.
  • Objectification, Feminist theory by Zoonen and hooks, the man is looking at her and she is looking at herself in the reflection.
  • 'Dashing out for an important date' - the use of this lexis suggests that anything to do with the husband is important.
  • The use of lexis, 'invaluable aid to beauty!' suggesting the high importance of make-up and beauty is like aid.
  • It is aspirational to the reader (primarily female) to wanting a product to look beautiful.
  • The setting suggests that the woman maybe waiting at reception for the man, as a surprise after work - ideology that women should impress the man and be dependent on his opinions on her.
  • The lexis, 'luxury', women shouldn't settle for anything less, the hegemonic ideology of women having to look their best as well as most of the typeface being serif, connoting sophistication.
  • Lexis, 'softly', 'velvety', women are gentle and sensitive.
  • She conforms to the stereotypes of women - make-up, dress, jewellery and hair.

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