Tuesday 12 January 2021

Humans - Marketing and Industry

Marketing and Industry

  • Hermenuetic code - Persona Synthetics - Spot Advert - Industry.
  • Diegetic - Anything that occurs in the world of the narrative.
  • Conventional trailers include a montage of clips, this makes Humans an unconventional trailer, it is a diegetically situated trailer. Guerilla marketing - Pop up augmented reality event on Regent Street, viral marketing.
  • It is targetting a cult audience, the audience is smaller but intensely motivated.
  • Henry Jenkins - Fandom - Fans are intense and motivated who are more likely to engage with a TV show - Merchandise, Social Media, buying DVDs.
  • Website for Persona Synthetics, for example, return packaging - creates immersion with the auidence.

  • When appealing to audiences, many people may not want to watch because they initially see a Sci-fi with robots and technology, therefore Humans is targetting a niche audience who are fans of Sci-fi.
    • Humans is a postmodern show.

  • April 2014 it was announced
  • Partnership of Channel 4 with Xbox Entertainment Studios. Humans was going to be distributed on TV and on Xbox (Microsoft then disolved Xbox Entertainment Studios), AMC then partnered instead so they can then help finance and also distribute to America - it is a transnational media product.

Ownership and economic factors

  • £12 million, mid-budget.

Channel 4
  • Ideological perspective - an alternative TV channel.
  • Partially publically funded, license-funded, commercial-funded.
  • Associated Channels - All4 (Streaming Service), E4More4Film44Seven4Music.
  • Scheduling -
  • Notable releases - Peep Show, Inbetweeners, Great British Bake Off, Doctor Who, etc.
  • It is publically owned, not-for-profit.

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