Friday 11 December 2020

Humans - Television Industry, Distribution, Circulation, Marketing

Humans Industry Television

Television is a specialised industry.
Digitally convergent technology.
  • TV has changed considerably since the advent of digital technology in terms of its production, distribution and consumption.
  • Globalisation of TV, no longer just a national industry, has become increasingly commercial.
    • Humans is a coproduction between Channel 4 and AMC.
    • It's a remake of a Swedish show.
  • Public broadcasting service forced to adapt its structure, role and function. International co-production is growing and broadcasters such as HBO have achieved global success.
  • Broadcasters are now 'narrowcasters' with multiple channels targeting different sometimes more niche audiences.
  • Audiences consume TV texts in a variety of ways as the industry has increased portability via new platforms (phones, tablets) and patterns of consumption have changed alongside this (the box-set and binge watching, on demand and catch up, Netflix, Amazon etc.
Distribution, Circulation, Marketing

Marketisation - process of selling.
Distribution - spread of a product and sharing to a number of people.
Circulation - total number of times a product has been viewed or brought.

Humans is distributed by Channel 4, AMC, DVD, Blu Ray, All4, Netflix, STV.
  • Persona Synthetics - TV spot advert for Humans.
    • Spot adverts fund certain channels.
    • Marketing campaign for Humans was atypical and subversive
  • It is both atypical and subversive.
  • Atypical because it doesn't follow the typical conventions of a TV spot adverts, they usually show highlights of the show and it is clear of what show is being advertised.
  • Subversive as it is advertising a synth - technology that isn't real.
  • Guerilla marketing - product advertised in an unconventional way of advertising.
  • Hashtag at the end.
  • Viral marketing - people spread the advert themselves.
  • Due to the advert's digitally convergent nature.
  • More cinematic than typical adverts, the colour grading is different - it's washed out and cold. 
  • Calm narration and slow zoom on most shots create an unnerving feeling.
Orson Welles: War of the Worlds
- Prologue was read on the radio, story setting was changed to the current time and read out like a news broadcast, supposedly creating a panic.

Augmented reality - different version of reality.
Diegesis - in the world of the narrative.

We are situated in an extradiegetic mode of address.
It was extremely involving and novel mode of address.

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