Genre, Themes, Diametric opposition
- It is set in England because it is a developed Western country and is targetted towards these people.
- Target Audience - British, middle-class, middle aged.
- Sci-fi is always largely an allegory for what is current, it explores and encodes real world issues.
We see themes of:
- Sexualisation and exploitation - Toby looks at Anita in that particular way. Feminist theory - Male gaze.
- 18+ card (slavery).
- Brothel.
- Modern slavery - Anita is a slave.
- Capitalism and the nuclear family - Most middle-class families have a robot.
- Fantastical racism - Synths are 'other' and different, they've taken all the jobs represents racism in modern society. Different coloured eyes. Hawkins family - stereotypical British familym middle-class and Anita is presnted as East Asian, making slavery be seen more obviously. However she is simply a robot or human, conciousness.
- Swedish Version - 'Real Humans' - Prejudice term towards synths, 'pacman'.
- Anita is a commodity.
Genre - Neal - theory
- Generic conventions of a Sci-fi genre.
- Hybridity - Repetition but has difference.
- Subgenre - Alternative Present.
Sci-fi -
- Technology.
- Glowing eyes.
- Synth music.
- Machinery.
- Robots - e.g. Odie's brain scrambling 'fatal error'.
However can be unconventional as its not in space and has allegories.
- Humans is original.
- What is humanity?
Narratology - Todorov - theory
- Moving from one equilibrium to another.
- Equilibrium then conflit creating a disequilibrium then a partial restoration of equilibrium. (The Liminal Period).
- Equilibrium - There are robots in this world.
- Disequilibrium - There are some robots with a consciousness, Joe buys Anita and Laura doesn't like it.
- New Equilibrium - Laura tells Anita what she can and can't do.
- Cliffhanger - Anita walks out with Sophie in her arms.
Diametric opposition - Binary opposition - Strauss
- Anita is caring and kind because the family isn't.
- Mattie is a rebellious teen.
- Laura is stressed and busy.
- Anita is the perfect woman and mother figure.
Historcal Representations of Automata
Anita is A.I.
Automata is something that moves on its own term.
Das Schone Madchen - Hannah Hoch
- BMW car logo and women - Men usually want to possess these things, women are like
objects. A woman is a machine. A status symbol.
Anita is constructed as the ideal woman (hegemonic ideology), she is the perfect housewife and looks perfect, conventionally attractive - better looking than Laura.
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