Tuesday 2 June 2020

Exam Prep 1 - DAC intro

Exam Prep

  • The introduction - DAC - definition, arguement and context.
    • Underline key words in question.
    • 'Knee jerk reaction' - decide on an arguement/ point of view.
    • Plan. Write down all concepts, theories, ideas and examples to include.
      • The introduction should sum up the answer you are about to give.
    • When writing the definintion, if it's very simple like 'audience', then explain why it's important.
    • When writing the arguement, state your p.o.v of the question.
    • When writing the context, state the examples and their differences.
  • The paragraphs - PEA - point, evidence, arguement, (theory).
  • Final paragraph - 'however' paragraph, provide an alternative view towards your main view, but shouldn't be the main arguement and then centre your main arguement into your conclusion.
  • The conclusion - no new information, it only sums up your arguement and re-state the arguement you've been making.

To what extent is the regulation of the videogame industry effective? Make reference  to the Assassin's Creed franchise.

regulation, PEGI, videogames, Livingstone and Hunt, BBFC, digital convergence

When regulating the videogame industry, the videogame industry needs to follow a set of rules and legal guidelines when setting an age rating, in which the audience decides whether it is appropriate for them or someone else, this is usually set by mostly PEGI. Regulation is effective in providing warning labels of what the videogame contains, however, I will argue that it is largely ineffective due to advancements in technology that games are now available digitally with easy access, making the videogame industry regulations not very effective. I will be using the Assassin's Creed franchise as an example as they also fall into having regulatory issues of an audience of young impressionable players and the videogames in the franchise having an age rating of 18+.

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