Thursday 23 January 2020

Magazine Analyses

Magazine Analyses

Film Stories
  • The name of the magazine is 'Film Stories', the genre of the magazine is films and movies.
  • The target audience of the magazine is adults who are interested in films, the cost of the magazine is £5.99, with monthly issues. They are mostly subscription based.
  • The masthead of the magazine is covered, readers who always read the magazine will already know the name. It is bold, capitalised, sans-serif, and in the colour white which creates the effect of modernity. The design colours are primarily blue and white, the text and jacket matches with the background of the composition - this could suggest the colours used in a recent film he's in. The design of the magazine is clean and somewhat simple, further making it look modern and perhaps professional. 
  • The coverlines and the lexis used all link to films with some rhetorical questions which the reader will want to know, 'St Trinian's the reboot that deserved more love?' - readers may agree of disagree, 'Cinema Advertising how does it actually work?' - readers are interested in film may also go to cinemas and wonder that, the lexis 'actually' suggests the reader doesn't know the truth.
  • The suggested main article is about the writer and director on the front cover, Adewale, who talks about the films he has worked on and what his plans are, 'Farming, Lost, Suicide Squad and getting a film made'. He is also wearing a suit on the front cover making him appear that he is important.
  • The key representation on the magazine is that the writer and director is a black man, which goes against most typical magazines which mostly feature white men.
  • The production values are low, as the magazine is only on 'Issue 10' and is a fairly new magazine and also the main image is quite low quality compared with higher budget magazines. The ideological values are that it can be considered a niche magazine topic.

  • The name of the magazine is 'tes', the genre of the magazine is careers specifically about working in education.
  • The target audience are adults working as teachers in schools and education. The cost of the magazine is £2.90, with weekly issues.
  • The masthead of the magazine is serif and black, making it professional, however some of the serifs feature red, green and blue commas and quotation marks this can also relate to education. The colours used within the magazine cover are bold and simple colours such as, blue, red, yellow, pink. The magazine is different from other popular magazine as it doesn't feature a person as the main image, this magazine features a large red tick. 
  • The lexis used are direct address to teachers 'I gave up marking... you should too' One teacher's life-changing decision' and rhetorical questions, 'Could ditching the 'outstanding' grade be good for schools?' 
  • The key article is about marking being given up by a teacher and why they think other teachers should do too, this creates enigma for the reader as they may think whether they should also give up on marking.
  • The key representation featured on the magazine is perhaps the representation of what teachers need to do.
  • The production values of the magazine, might be quite high because of how organised and professional the magazine looks and also the magazine has been running for over 100 years.
Media Magazine
  • The name of the magazine is 'Media Magazine', the genre of the magazine is everything to do with media. 
  • The target audience are teachers of media and students of media. The cost of the magazine is subscription - 4 times a year, it is £25 or £10 for students. 
  • The masthead of the magazine is 'Media' is full opacity and 'Magazine' is more faded, it is also sans-serif font, it makes the design more simple and modern. The colours used are blue, white and red, creating a simple colour scheme. There isn't a main image, only lots of images of the page.
  • The lexis used in the coverlines, which are found on the centre of the page, include content that students would learn.
  • The main article suggested from the front cover is 'FCUK ads and Trevor' as it is the largest topic.
  • The production values of the magazine might be low as it doesn't follow the typical conventions of most magazine as it has the coverlines in the centre and there is a collage of images surrounding it.

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